Workshop: Year 3 Participants: 79
Participating Schools: Africa Centre for Theological Studies, Baptist College of Theology – Lagos, Baptist College of Theology – Oyo, Baptist Theological Seminary – Eku, ECWA Theological Seminary Igbaja, LIFE Theological Seminary, Nigerian Baptist Theological College, Reuben George Theological Seminary, and UMCA Theological College, West Africa Theological Seminary
Facilitators: GATE Associates John Jusu (Kenya), Alemseged Ketema (Ethiopia) , Alfred Rutto (Kenya)
Workshop: Year 3 Participants: 100+
Participating Schools: Nepal Methodist Theological Seminary, Nepal Theological College, Reformed and Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Nepal Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Nepal Baptist Bible College, Nepal Evangelical Holiness Theological Seminary, Kathmandu Institute of Theology, Nepal Ebenezer Bible College, Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) - Nepal
Facilitators: GATE Associates Paul Cornelius (India), Edwardneil Benavidez (Philippines)
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 25
Participating Schools: Campuses of the Nazarene Mexican Seminary (SENAMEX) from Guadalajara, Norte, Noreste, Tecate; Instituto Praxis
Facilitators: GATE Associates Mariel Deluca Voth, Josue Fernandez; GATE Trainees Pablo Branch, Elizabeth Camacho, Claudia Vinales
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 43
Participating Schools: Union Bible Theological College, Kingdom Leadership Training Center, Darkhan Union Bible Theological College, River of Life Ministry School, Assemblies of God Bible College, Mongolian Theological Education by Extension, Mongolia Evangelical Lutheran Bible School
Facilitators: GATE Associates Theresa Lua, Joanna Feliciano-Soberano
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 22
Participating Schools: Caleb Institute, Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Doon Bible College, New Theological College, Filadelfia Bible College
Facilitators: GATE Associate Theresa Lua; GATE Trainees Paul Cornelius, Manoja Korada
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 38
Participating Schools: Campuses of the Nazarene Mexican Seminary (SENAMEX) from Arriaga, Chiapas; Tapachula, Chiapas; Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas; Juchitán, Oaxaca; Minatitlán, Veracruz
Facilitators: GATE Associates Mariel Deluca Voth, Maricarmen Servín; GATE Trainees Noemí Santiago, Gabriel Yip
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 35
Participating Schools: Word of Life Seminary, Paraná Baptist College, São Paulo Baptist College, Theological Seminary of Brazil - Bethel
Facilitators: GATE Associates Josue Fernandez, Mariel Deluca Voth, Augustinho Santana; GATE Trainee Mauricio Pastrick
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 70
Participating Schools: CEN, SBH, SETESUR, SEBIDAL, SBA, SETE, IBQ, IBHF, DINAMIN, DINADEC, ENMUCE, CEAM, STB, DIRET 22, DIRET 6 Facilitators: GATE Associates Josue Fernandez, David Suazo; GATE Trainee Gabriel Yip
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 40
Participating Schools: Mexican Baptist Theological Seminary, John Wesley Methodist Seminary, Nazarene Mexican Seminary (SENAMEX)
Facilitators: GATE Associates Josue Fernandez, David Suazo; GATE Trainees Noemí Anzueto, Pablo Branch, Elizabeth Camacho, Claudia Viñales, Gabriel Yip
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 13
Participating School: Instituto Missionairo Palavra da Vida Norte (Word of Life Missionary Institute – North)
Facilitators: GATE Associates Josue Fernandez, Augustinho Santana; GATE Trainee Carlos Ferreira Da Silva
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 20
Participating Schools: College of Ministry & Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Theological & Interdisciplinary Studies, Fairview Baptist Bible College, Midland Bible College, Regent College of the Caribbean
Facilitators: GATE Associates Gary Griffith, Pat Glasgow, Errol Joseph, Bryan Wallace
Workshop: Year 2 Participants: 51
Participating Schools: Africa Centre for Theological Studies, Baptist College of Theology – Lagos, Baptist College of Theology – Oyo, Baptist Theological Seminary – Eku, LIFE Theological Seminary, Nigerian Baptist Theological College, and West Africa Theological Seminary
Facilitators: GATE Associates David Ngaruiya, Frew Tamrat, Gary Griffith